Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University

Re-Accredited with "B++" CGPA(2.96) Grade by NAAC

(Formerly known as Amravati University)

Shri Sant Gadge Baba

University Circulars

  1. Letter-All 2(f) & 12 (B) Colleges and Engineering Colleges
  2. i. Regarding Status of Lead College
  3. ii. Scheme of Lead Colleges of SGBAU & Talent Pool
  4. Publication Grant : Proforma(Financial Assistance For Publication Of (a) Doctoral Thesis, (b) High Quality research papers, (c) Lectures delivered such as National Lectures of U.G.C. or Lectures instituted in the name of leading personalities, (d) Scholarly Contributions of the faculty (not text – book), (e) Seminar or Conference papers, under the U.G.C. Scheme)
  5. Rule No. 7 of 2013
  6. Rule No. 11 of 2005 & Notification No. 133 of 2005
  7. Notification No. 114 of 2013
  8. Circular No. 142 of /2004
  9. Rule No. 5 of 2015
  10. Applications invited from University Teachers for Carrier Advancement Scheme
  11. Proposal for Grants to Organise the Conferences/Workshop
  12. Information of Carrier Oriented Courses & Vocational Courses in Affiliated Colleges
  13. Fictitious Offers of Cheap Funds from abroad-Public awareness Campaign
  14. List of Colleges included under section 2(f) & 12 (B) of the UGC Act 1956 as on 31.03.2012
  15. Format of Recognition of u/s 2(f) & 12(B)
  16. College up-to-date Information Format
  17. List of Colleges without having Regular Principal till dt. 31st May, 2010
  18. Finance from University Fund for Conferences/ Seminars/..../... to the Affiliated Colleges & Teaching Deptts
  19. Details of UGC Minimum Qualification required for the appointments of teachers in Universities, Affiliated Colleges,............ for the Post of College Librarian, Director, Physical Education, ................
  20. Details regarding Qualification & Relaxation in Qualification / Experience and Other Details/Conditions for Recruitment of Various Teaching Posts.
  21. CERTIFICATE OF IMPORTER - EXPORTER CODE (IEC) OF Sant Gadge Baba Amravati UniversityCERTIFICATE OF IMPORTER - EXPORTER CODE (IEC) OF Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
  22. संत गाडगे बाबा अमरावती विद्यापीठाच्या संलग्नित महाविद्यालय व शैक्षणिक विभागांना परिषदा / कार्यशाळा /चर्चासत्र / परिसंवाद आयोजनाकरीता विद्यापीठ साधारण निधीमघुन आर्थिक सहाय्य संत गाडगे बाबा अमरावती विद्यापीठाच्या संलग्नित महाविद्यालय व शैक्षणिक विभागांना परिषदा / कार्यशाळा /चर्चासत्र / परिसंवाद आयोजनाकरीता विद्यापीठ साधारण निधीमघुन आर्थिक सहाय्य
  23. List of 2(f) & 12 B CollegesList of 2(f) & 12 B Colleges
  24. Banning of Plastic and thermocol products in the University Campus Banning of Plastic and thermocol products in the University Campus
  25. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION availing Customs Duty Exemption