Vision :
to contribute to the society through the Pursuit of education, learning and research at the higher level of excellence
The Department of Sociology is committed to excellence in teaching, research and extension activities in the fields of rural and urban areas in India and particularly in Vidarbha region by providing necessary guidance and support for students and staff.
Goals/Objectives the Department
- To impart qualitative higher knowledge & guidance in the subject at MA; M.Phil & Ph.D levels.
- To equip the students with the latest sociological knowledge, research aptitudes & skills.
- To organize remedial coaching classes for the backward students who belong to the SC, ST and Minorities communities.
- To provide opportunities & encourage students for carrying on research works.
- To encourage the students for various competitive examinations i.e. SET/ NET/MPSC/UPSC etc.
- To strengthen research in the thrust area of the department namely: Sociology of Marginalized Communities & Sociology of Development, Rural & Urban Society In India.
- To undertake major / minor research projects pertaining to especially the local issues and problems in the region.
- To organize Seminars / Conferences / Workshops and disseminate advanced knowledge among students.
- To undertake extension activities and encourage students for research project/Dissertation work, cultural, curricular & co-curricular activities.
- To establish linkage with the local communities and national agencies.
About Department
The PG Department of Sociology was established on 16th October 1990. The Department has the following sanctioned posts of faculty i.e i) Professor-01,ii) Reader-02, iii)Lecturer-02. At present, two permanent faculties are working in the Department. Dr. K. B. Nayak as Professor & Head of Department and Dr. K.U. Raut as Professor, besides one Non-Teaching Staff Mr. Prakash Kothar. The Department has a Research Library cum Seminar Hall, one Office, two Class Rooms enriched with internet facilities as well as necessary infrastructure and advanced equipment.
The Department had earlier Regular M.Phil Course during 1993-194 and 1994-1995 academic years and later Vacational M.Phil course during 2006-2008 academic year for 40 students. There were 35 students enrolled in M.Phil Vacational course during the academic year 2006-2008. At present the department offers a full time two years Post Graduation course. The department has intake capacity of 40 students for M.A.-I and M.A.-II respectively. However, in an average, there are about 40 are admitted into MA Part-1 and Part-2 respectively in every academic year.
The PG syllabus of the Department was earlier based on Annual Pattern till 2017-2018. Since 2017-2018, a Semester System Syllabus has been implemented but later it was modified with NEP-20 curricular system during 2023-24. The syllabus has been designed as per the needs of academics and the guidelines given by UGC as well as demands for various competitive examinations. The curriculum of the Department is revised after every five years. The Time Table of both M.A Part-I & Part-II are made on the basis of existing workload every year. During last 5 years, about eight Ph. D students have registered under the supervision of Dr. K.B.Nayak and Dr,K,U, Raut. Out of which two students have been awarded with Ph.D Degree under Dr. K. B. Nayak while one student has been awarded under Dr,K,U, Raut and the work of remaining Ph. D students is in progress.Seminars, Workshops and Conferences are organized by the Department. Besides encouraging students for empirical research works, various cultural, curricular, co-curricular and extension activities are also organized by the Department.