Department of Political Science

About the Department :
The Department of Political Science at the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati was established in the year 2017. It is part of the Faculty of Humanities. It runs a post graduate course of two years with the intake capacity of 40 students in the first year.
It aims at inculcation of political insights and knowledge among the students to promote democratic values in the society to build a better India.
The mission of the postgraduate program in Political Science is to provide students with a concrete grasp of political thought, research, political processes and institutions in India and India's relations with other political systems across the globe.
Some of the objectives of the department are:
- To develop politico-analytical thinking among the students in the field of education and research.
- To promote political interpretations of changes in the society.
- To build networks with political science departments, institutions, associations intellectuals, and academicians in the field of political science.
- To promote the study of political theories and practices.
- To promote the study of political science through interdisciplinary perspective (i.e. political sociology, political anthropology, political economy, gender and politics etc.)
Other than the classroom teaching remedial and NET coaching classes are conducted by the department. To increase political consciousness and communication skills among the students a participatory activity of ‘Discussion Forum’ is conducted at the department. Another activity named ‘An Activity on awareness about the constitution of India’ is also conducted by the department to increase awareness about the Indian constitution.
Study tours to various places with political importance like parliament in New Delhi, Red fort, Amritsar - Wagha Border, Sevagram ashram, Punjabrao Deshmukh administrative training academy etc are the few highlights of the extra-curricular activities conducted by the Department.
Department at a glance
Establishment of the Department: 2017
Programme run by the department: P. G. - M. A. (Political Science)
Number of Teachers : 4 (C.H.B.)
Number of non-teaching members : 2 (Temporary)
No. of students admitted in year 2020-2021: 81
No. of male students: 40
No. of female students: 41
No. of Merit students: 1
No. of NET/SET qualified students: 1
Department code: 528