About Department
Departmental Profile: Department of Chemical Technology was established in 1994 with the financial assistance from Government of Maharashtra. The main objective of the department is to offer opportunity to students for acquiring knowledge and skill in the field of chemical engineering & technologies required by chemical and allied industries to develop their promising career.
Highly committed to offer opportunity to students for acquiring knowledge, excellence in Research , innovation and skill in the field of chemical engineering and technologies required by chemical and allied industries to develop their promising career
To Provide a high-quality education experience and research in specialized areas of Chemical Technology for the benefit of society through problem solving competencies
Special Features
- ‘A’ Grade to the Department by Directorate , Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra.
- International and National level collaborations
- Linkage with industries and other institutions.
- Awarding winning faculty with international exposure
- Renewable Energy Park
- Gold medals by Industries for department.
- Funding from UGC and Government Agencies under schemes such as major research projects, Special Assistance Programe (SAP), Funds for Infrastructure Development (FIST), MODROB by AICTE, Innovative Programe etc.