Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University

Re-Accredited with "A" Grade by NAAC

(Formerly known as Amravati University)

Shri Sant Gadge Baba

University Directions

  1. Direction No. 21/2013. (Implementation of Career Advancement Scheme for the Teachers and Other Academic Staff in Technical Institutions.)
  2. Direction No. 26/2012 . (Corrigendum to Direction No.5/2012 in respect of Examinations Leading to the Degree of Master of Pharmacy (Two year - Four Semester Degree Course), Direction, 2012.)
  3. Direction No. 29/2012. (Enhancement in the Age of Superannuation of Principals/Teachers/Physical Education Persons working in Higher & Technical Education field, Direction, 2012.)
  4. Direction No.33/2011. . (Procedure for creation and filling the posts of Professor/s)
  5. Annexure-A. (Direction No. 63/2010 (Revision of Pay Scales of Teachers as per AICTE Scheme)
  6. Annexure-B. (G.R. dt. 20th Aug., 2010)
  7. Direction No. 47/2010. (Exemptions to the Ph.D. holders of this University from passing Net/Set for Recruitment)
  8. Direction No. 20/2008. (Discontinuation of Moderation of Answer Books)
  9. Direction No. 12/2010. (Reassessment of Answerbooks of examinees without obtaining Photocopy of Answerbooks on their demand)
  10. Direction No. 53/2010 . (Terms & Conditions of service for Vice-chancellor)
  11. Direction No. 64/2010 & Direction No. 65/2010 . (Corrigendum of Direction No. 45/2010 & Direction No. 46/2010)
  12. Direction No. 42/2011 . (Implementation of Minimum Qualification for appointment of Teachers and other academic staff)
  13. Direction No. 16 of 2019. (Reassessment of answerbook/s of examinees without obtaining photocopy/ies of answerbook/s on their demand- Direction -2019)