Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University

Re-Accredited with "A" Grade by NAAC

(Formerly known as Amravati University)

Shri Sant Gadge Baba


Sr.N. Name Designation/Category
1 Dr.Vilas M. Bhale Hon ble Vice chancellor, Chairman
2 Nominated by Police Commissioner, Amravati Ex officio member
3 Nominated by District Collector, Amravati Ex officio member
4 Mr Vilas Marathe, Daily Hindhustan Amravati. Representative of local media
5 Ku Reshma Dharmale Representative of Junior Student
6 Mr Dhanraj Rathod Representative of Senior Student
7 Dr N A Ghanwate Assit Prof Microbiology Representative of teaching staff
8 Mr Mangesh Varkhede, Dy registrar (Development) Representative of Non-teaching staff
9 Mr Anil M Deshmukh Representative of Senior Student Parent
10 Mr V S Thakare Representative of Junior Student Parent
11 Mr Ambadas Mohite Nominee of NGO dealing with youths
12 Dr P.V.Thakare Nodal officer Anti Ragging .