About the Department
This department is established in June 1990 and first Batch came out in April 1992. At the beginning, the intake capacity was 15 and the teaching was done by inviting experienced people on honorarium basis. Initially, Department had offered only P. G. Program consisting of existing core and special papers which has been changed in 1992-93 by addition of new specializations like digital electronics; microprocessor and FORTRAN IV. The syllabus is restructured and modified as per the guidelines of UGC from time to time and currently the semester pattern with a Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and elective courses being implemented. Various interdisciplinary general interest courses are also introduced as a choice for the students. Presently the intake enrollment is 39 at Semester-I of the course.
All faculty members are actively involved in creative research with funding from prestigious granting agencies. The department is doing research work in the fields like synthesis and characterization of luminescent materials, development of TLD, OSL, RPL materials, SSL phosphors, CFL phosphors, PDP display phosphors, lasers and their applications, excitation mechanisms in the laser plasma, gas sensors, nanocomposites. Quantum dots, graphene-based materials, biomedical ceramics materials, bio-sensors, NLO materials and photonics. During last 5 years the department has published more than 250 research articles in reputed journals of high impact factors and completed several major and minor research projects. The department has granted a patent and filed two patents. The departmental faculties have 19.7 average h-index of SCOPUS. Two faculties in the department have honored with “Utkrust Seva Gaurav Purskar” (Best Service Award-Teacher Category) by University. This department was awarded with FIST Level-1 by DST.
This Department has a very good culture for cultivation of educational values, maintenance of discipline, effective diffusion of required attitudes amongst the students so as to make them competent and very conducive and cooperative atmosphere for learning, teaching and research activities.
The leading role of the Physics Department is to develop strong skill of research, analysis and interpretation of complex information in the advanced Physics in students. Logical thinking and improvement in the laboratory skills of an individual will definitely lead to the better understanding of fundamental truths. Exploring the innovative methods for enhancing accuracy in the planned activity shall solve the problems and challenging issues of the days. Making future still brighter is the vision of this Department.
To develop strong competencies among students applying Physics in a research, technology and other applications. To prepare students to compete successfully for getting employment in teaching, research and industry (service and manufacturing). Adequate training and motivating the present generation for honesty, discipline, accuracy, precision, sensitivity with freedom and wisdom shall necessarily develop the positive attitudes for peaceful life for all.
Objectives and Goals
- To make students understand the fundamental truths
- To cultivate the values of Physics Education
- To empower students with full confidence so as to make them active for interaction and participation
- To develop skill for problem solving, developing ideas, executing ideas to experiment, and improving the understanding with logical thinking
- To implement innovative ideas for creating eco-friendly environment comforts to the society through extension activities.